Friday 7 June 2019

June 8 - World Oceans Day

Take time to consider our oceans. They cover 70% of the planet - hence Blue Planet. The microscopic phytoplankton and some bacteria photosynthesise like trees, absorbing huge amounts of CO2 and providing half the oxygen we breathe. They are the food source for not only all oceanic fish and mammals but also many land based animals that are dependent on fish and seals as food. The icy poles reflect sunlight back into space, helping to keep the planet cool and the oceanic streams regulate climate. Coral reefs, although only taking up a minute percentage of the sea bed, are the nurseries for most fish. Top predators, like sharks and dolphins, by eating smaller fish, regulate the whole system, keeping it in balance. We are dependent on healthy oceans.

Recently I have done two big talks, as in long, which have been great in terms of being able to talk in depth about everything I’ve done, know and learning. One was to a transition town, so all really engaged with some in depth questions, and the other at a Vegan Fair, so able to make the connections with the state of our marine life. 

I am contributing 4 outfits to an up cycled fashion event on July 22. Three pieces reflect my expeditions and the fourth, encourages sustainable fashion. I will post photos after the event. On the back of this work I am being sought to do workshops on fashion and sustainability; relevant to micro plastics because 80% of fast fashion uses fossil fuel derived polyester which contributes significant micro plastic fibres during wear and washing and disposal.

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